Stony Brook University
Distributed Teacher and Leader Education  
Stony Brook University - Professional Education Program
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Forgot ID/Password?

Stony Brook Faculty/Students/Interns: Use your Stony Brook email address.
(If this does not work for you, use another valid email address that you may have used before you received your Stony Brook email address.)
Cooperating Administrators/Teachers: Use the email address that you specified when your account was created.

Enter your email address:

NOTE: Upon pressing the SUBMIT button below, an email will be sent to you with your ID and a URL address. Open the email and click on the URL address. This will link you to a new page where you can change your password.

(If you have pressed the Forgot ID/Password button more than once, make sure that you use the link from the MOST RECENT Stony Brook D-TALE User Link email that you received.)